Video – TrueSport TrueSport supports athletes, parents, and coaches by partnering with organizations throughout the country to promote a positive youth sport experience. Tue, 22 Nov 2022 21:27:14 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Video – TrueSport 32 32 TrueSport Expert Series: Amanda Stanec on Three Things Athletes Need To Do Before Setting Goals Thu, 01 Dec 2022 13:00:09 +0000

Amanda Stanec provides parents, coaches, educators, and athletes with three things to consider BEFORE setting goals, as well as strategies for setting and reviewing goals throughout the season.

Learn more about Amanda Stanec.

TrueSport Expert Series: Nadia Kyba on Overcoming Generational Blindspots Sat, 01 Oct 2022 12:00:40 +0000

TrueSport Expert and registered social worker, Nadia Kyba, addresses how parents, coaches, and athletes can respect and overcome generational differences to improve their communication and relationships.

Learn more about Nadia Kyba.

TrueSport Expert Series: Dr. Michele LaBotz on Returning to Play After Injury Mon, 01 Aug 2022 12:00:52 +0000

Dr. Michele LaBotz joins the TrueSport Expert Series to discuss how parents and athletes can work with doctors, athletic trainers, and coaches to get the best results treating and returning from sports injury.

Learn more about Michele LaBotz.

TrueSport Expert Series: Stephanie Miezin on The Carbohydrate Mouth Rinse Wed, 01 Jun 2022 06:00:31 +0000

Registered dietitian, Stephanie Miezin, explains the carbohydrate mouth rinse trend and why she doesn’t recommend its use by young athletes.

Learn more about Stephanie Miezin.
TrueSport Expert Series: Nadia Kyba and Dr. Kevin Chapman on Equity v. Equality Fri, 01 Apr 2022 06:00:05 +0000 TrueSport Expert Series: Nadia Kyba and Dr. Kevin Chapman on Equity v. Equality Read More »


TrueSport Experts, Nadia Kyba, a registered social worker, and Dr. Kevin Chapman, a clinical psychologist, join host and four-time Olympian Kara Winger to discuss the difference between equity and equality, why we shouldn’t treat athletes as if they are the same, and how to bring equitable practices to sport.

Learn more about Dr. Kevin Chapman and Nadia Kyba.

TrueSport Expert Series: Stephanie Miezin on How to Make Healthful Food Taste Delicious Fri, 04 Mar 2022 06:00:10 +0000

Registered dietitian, Stephanie Miezin, joins the TrueSport Expert Series to share practical tips for how we can fuel our young athletes with foods that are both healthy and delicious.

Learn more about Stephanie Miezen.

TrueSport Expert Series: Dr. Amanda Stanec on Celebrating Effort and Failure in Sport Mon, 14 Feb 2022 19:50:41 +0000

Amanda Stanec, PhD, joins the TrueSport Expert Series to look at ways parents and coaches can celebrate both effort and failure in sport to ensure youth athletes have the opportunity to learn from mistakes and continue to find joy in sport.

Learn more about Dr. Amanda Stanec.
TrueSport Expert Series: Dr. Laura Lewis on Fueling the Female Body Mon, 24 Jan 2022 16:28:51 +0000

Dr. Laura Lewis addresses the differences between male and female physiology and how female athletes can properly fuel for their specific needs.

Learn more about Dr. Laura Lewis.

Paralympian and Ambassador Steve Emt on Perseverance Thu, 28 Oct 2021 19:26:55 +0000 Paralympian and Ambassador Steve Emt on Perseverance Read More »


Steve Emt started his sport journey as a child playing soccer, baseball, basketball, and football. If his community didn’t have a league, his parents would start one. Emt was especially drawn to basketball, and his hard work and talent eventually led him to play at West Point. While there, Emt experienced the first major trauma of his life when his father unexpectedly passed away. In the wake of this loss, basketball continued to be Emt’s anchor and joy until, at the age of 25, his choices led to an accident that would completely change the trajectory of his life.

In this video, Emt shares the circumstances of the accident that left him physically paralyzed and mentally distraught, as well as the moments of self-discovery that led to a life of fulfilment and his current career in wheelchair curling.
